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    Alpha Advanced Rollator Accessories

    Accessories for the Alpha Advanced Rollator: Plarform support and One hand brake; each purchased separately.

    Accessories for the Alpha Advanced & Basic Rollator Models

    Platform support:

    This Platform Support will only work with the Alpha Dolomite rollator - both the Basic and Advanced models. The Platform Support gives you a padded area to lean onto, replacing the arm troughs that can get uncomfortable after prolonged use. Plus, this Platform Support is much larger than the arm troughs, which allows for more leaning positions and thus more comfort.Padded tray mounts in place of arm troughs, Brake handles will extend forward, lean onto platform for stability and momentum. Works with either Basic or Advanced Alpha walkers.

    One Hand Brake:

    The One Hand Brake for the Alpha Advanced Dolomite Rollator, when installed, allows you to control the rollator's brakes with one hand. This is great for an amputee, or to make breaking easier for someone with limited hand strength. The One Hand Brake can be attached to either the left or right hand side of the rollator. If you have difficulty holding and squeezing a brake handle with your right hand,  you may want to consider a One Hand Brake.

    All control for braking is operated from left side. Order handle for good side, Left brake will have the brake handle on the left side. Package consists of the joystick style brake handle for the Alpha Advanced walker, with dual wire cables and sheath coverings.Installation of new brake cables is required.

    Accessories for the Alpha Advanced & Basic Rollator Models

    Platdiv support:

    This Platdiv Support will only work with the Alpha Dolomite rollator - both the Basic and Advanced models. The Platdiv Support gives you a padded area to lean onto, replacing the arm troughs that can get uncomfortable after prolonged use. Plus, this Platdiv Support is much larger than the arm troughs, which allows for more leaning positions and thus more comfort.Padded tray mounts in place of arm troughs, Brake handles will extend forward, lean onto platdiv for stability and momentum. Works with either Basic or Advanced Alpha walkers.

    One Hand Brake:

    The One Hand Brake for the Alpha Advanced Dolomite Rollator, when installed, allows you to control the rollator's brakes with one hand. This is great for an amputee, or to make breaking easier for someone with limited hand strength. The One Hand Brake can be attached to either the left or right hand side of the rollator. If you have difficulty holding and squeezing a brake handle with your right hand,  you may want to consider a One Hand Brake.

    All control for braking is operated from left side. Order handle for good side, Left brake will have the brake handle on the left side. Package consists of the joystick style brake handle for the Alpha Advanced walker, with dual wire cables and sheath coverings.Installation of new brake cables is required.

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