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Gellhorn  Pessary with Drains

  • The Gellhorn pessary with drains is used to relieve the symptoms of cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse
  • This pessary's stem with knob is easily folded to facilitate insertion and removal
    • The Gellhorn pessary with drains is used to relieve the symptoms of cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse
    • This pessary's stem with knob is easily folded to facilitate insertion and removal
  • The Gellhorn pessary with drains is used to relieve the symptoms of cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse
  • This pessary's stem with knob is easily folded to facilitate insertion and removal
    • The Gellhorn pessary with drains is used to relieve the symptoms of cystocele or rectocele as well as a second or third-degree uterine prolapse
    • This pessary's stem with knob is easily folded to facilitate insertion and removal
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Gellhorn Pessary 4, 2-1/2 Inch with Drains

2-1/2 Inch with Drains Gellhorn Pessary is used to treat second and third degree prolapse or procidentia. Used for more advanced pelvic organ prolapse, the Gellhorn Pessaries are easy to insert and remove. Drainage holes in the base of the pessary allow the passage of fluids. Available in nine sizes, the Gellhorn Pessary accommodates the needs of individual women. The knob or horn of the Gellhorn Pessary easily folds for insertion. The knob of Gellhorn Pessaries rest on the posterior vaginal wall when placed into position. Highly flexible and soft silicone construction. Treats vaginal prolapse, cystocele, and rectocele.