The F QUAD foot-type is the most hypermobile or flexible of the foot-types. This hypermobility leads to great instability throughout the foot and ankle, and can be prevalent throughout the body. These feet look "very flat" at an early age, and can only worsen into adulthood. This severe instability also makes it difficult to develop and maintain core strength throughout the legs and trunk. Muscles need to work "overtime" to do the same job as someone with better functioning feet, drastically increasing energy expenditure. This foot-type causes a lot of damage to the forefoot during propulsion. In addition to transverse metatarsal arch reversal, don't be surprised to see hammertoes, hallux abductovalgus dedivity, functional hallux limitus, and painful corns and calluses.
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Splayfoot
• Hallus Valgus/Bunion
• Subfibular Impingement
• Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
• Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
• Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
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